Our Governors
Welcome to St Edmund's Catholic Primary School
Dear Parents and Carers,
On behalf of the Governing Body of St Edmunds, I would like to welcome you to our school community. The Governing Body which is made up of volunteers from our parents, our parish and the local area, work closely to support the school staff to provide the best education for your children.
Our school was established in 1912 to provide education for children living in the local community. So great was the desire for the school, the local community raised funds to pay for it. The school has progressed considerably since those early days. St Edmund’s achievements and traditions continue to be well respected in the community.
The school received two inspections in 2023.
On the 21st and 22nd March the school received an Ofsted Inspection and the result was St Edmund's continues to be a good school. The inspector also commented:
Leaders have designed a broad and well-sequenced curriculum.
Teachers have good subject knowledge.
Leaders understand the importance of reading for pupils' life chances.
Leaders have a passion and determination to provide the best possible education for pupils.
On the 18th and 19th October St Edmund's School was inspected by the Catholic Schools inspectorate and was judged to be good in each category of Catholic Life and Mission, Religious Education and Collective Worship.
The vision we live by at St Edmunds is enshrined in the three words Love, Care, Share. This follows our Christian ethos and beliefs and the expectations we wish to maintain with pupils and the school community.
Children who attend St Edmund's will be taught traditional values within a national curriculum that will ensure they learn, flourish and grow in a happy environment.
We look forward to getting to know you and working with you all in the coming years.
Yours faithfully
Mr T. Kramer
Chair of Governors
Governor Hub
Members List
Member of the following committees: | |
Tony Kramer Chair of Governors Foundation Diocesan Board Of Education Appointed Term of office: 1st Sept 2015 - 31st Aug 2027 |
No Business or Financial Interests |
Daniel Abrahams Governor as Head Teacher
Onyanta Oketa Foundation Governor Appointed by the Bishop of Westminster Term of office: - !st Jan 2026 |
No business or financial interests |
Delia Ojinnaka Local Authority Governor Appointed by the London Borough of Enfield Term of office: 1Sept 2014 - 31st Aug 2025 |
No business or financial interests |
NNeoma Efedua Parent Governor Appointed by the School Term of office: 1st April 2022 -31st March 2026 |
No business or financial interests |
Shivanee Mahadeo Parent Governor Appointed by the School Term of office: 1st April 2022 -31st March 2026 |
No business or financial interests |
Akudo Okereafor Parent Governor Appointed by the School Term of office: 1st Jan 2022 - 1st Jan 2026 |
No business or financial interests |
Fr Gerry Onyejuluwa Foundation Governor Appointed by the Bishop of Westminster Term of office: 1st Jan 2022 - 1st Jan 2026 |
No business or financial interests |
Mary Higgins Staff Governor Appointed by the School Term of office: - 31st May 2027 |
Business or Financial Interest Husband - Painting and decorating service |
James Omorogbe Foundation Governor Appointed by the Bishop of Westminster Term of office: 31st Aug 2020 - 31st Aug 2028 |
No business or financial interests |
Susan Phagoo Foundation Governor Appointed by the Bishop of Westminster Term of office: 8th Oct 2014 - 31st Aug 2026 |
St Edmund's RC Church - Parish Secretary |
Francis Sarsah Foundation Governor Appointed by the Bishop of Westminster Term of office: - 31st August 2026 |
No business or financial interests |
Swera Veroan Foundation Governor Appointed by the Bishop of Westminster Term of office: - 31st August 2025 |
No business or financial interests |
Paul Scott Clerk to the Governors |
No business or financial interests |
Associate Governors:
- Elizabeth Graves
Governor Attendance