Wrap Around Care
Breakfast Club
At St Edmund's we are conscious of the fact that many of our parents have an early start at work, therefore we are delighted to offer you the opportunity to send your child to Breakfast Club.
Breakfast club provides your child with a safe, friendly and familiar environment in which they can play, socialise and learn with their peers. It also enables them to have a calm and purposeful start to their school day.
Juice, cereal, toast and fresh fruit are provided each day between 7:45am - 8:40 am. Children should arrive at the hall, where a member of the Breakfast Club team will be waiting for them. Children are always fully supervised and stay with they adults until they can be safely sent to class.
The cost of Breakfast Club is £12.50 per week. Should you be interested in registering your child for a place, please speak to the school office who will assist you with the registration process.
Magic Breakfast
St Edmund's is proud to partner with Magic Breakfast, providing an opportunity for all pupils when they arrive at school to have a bagel before going to class. Here at St Edmund's, we are committed to ensuring no child is too hungry to learn and therefore ensure children start the day in the possible way.
For more information on Magic Breakfast, please click here.