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Our School Uniform

At St Edmund’s Catholic Primary School we have high expectations of our students when it comes to their personal appearance, and we are pleased to say that children are very smartly dressed and wear their uniform with pride.

The purpose of our school uniform is to:

  • Create a sense of community and belonging
  • Promote a sense of pride in the school
  • Be practical and smart
  • Make children feel equal to their peers.

Please see below expectations for boy and girls throughout the year.



  •  White shirt
  •  Grey trousers or grey shorts
  •  Royal blue jumper (no sweatshirt)
  •  School tie
  •  Grey socks
  •  Sensible black shoes (not black trainers)


  • White shirt
  • Grey skirt, tunic, or cardigan
  • Royal blue jumper or cardigan
  • School tie
  • White socks or black/grey tights
  • Sensible black shoes


Summer: School dress in light blue check
(not navy or black)

Clothing for PE / After-school clubs
  • White plain T-shirt (round neck or polo top) – No logo
  • Navy blue shorts
  • Black plimsolls
  • Navy jogging bottoms in the cold weather (optional)
  • All white / black unbranded trainers.

All items are available from local supermarkets and Lyons School shop, Enfield:


Unusual or extreme hair styles are not acceptable. We do not allow shaved in initials, motifs or excessive hair extensions. Boy’s hair should be smart. If you are in doubt about a particular style please consult school staff before making arrangements.  Long hair should be tied back with hair accessories being discreet and be white, navy or blue.


For safety reasons children should not wear jewellery. The only exceptions are stud earrings, which during PE lessons, should not be worn as they could present a hazard to your child or others working alongside them. If the earrings cannot be removed, tape must be applied before they come to school. Staff have the right to change a child’s physical activity if earrings cannot be removed or are unsafe. Teachers should not remove or fit children’s earrings. Children should remove their own earrings and if they are not able to do this themselves, parents should remove them before school on PE days.

Lost Property:

We have hundreds of children at St Edmund’s, all of whom wear the same style and colour of uniform.  When items are mislaid, it is a challenging task to reunite them with their owners unless they are clearly marked with a name. Please use labels as permanent markers wash out or become difficult to read over time.


Further information regarding our uniform expectations can be found in the policy below.