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Year 4

Welcome to the Year 4 page!

Welcome to the Year 4 Page! We will be sharing our learning throughout the year.

Times Table Rockstars Login

Click here to access TTRS

TTRS will ask for a school name or postcode before your child can log in. Please enter our postcode N9 7HJ.

Year Group Team

Miss Virasami

Mr Johnson 

Mr Ellington

Mrs Pope

Miss Annan


Year 4 has PE on Monday morning.

They must come to school with their PE kits on these days, which must be a plain white t-shirt, a plain navy-blue tracksuit and plain white or black trainers /plimsolls.

Children must not wear earrings and must have long hair tied back.  If your child is unable to independently take their earrings off or tie their hair back, please make sure this is organised before they come to school.

We are unable to use the water fountains at the moment, so please ensure your child brings in a labelled bottle of water every day.

Homework / Home Reading

Homework is set every Friday on Google Classroom and should be returned by Thursday the following week. Reading books are sent out on Thursday to be returned on Tuesday. Books should be signed every week.  Please remember to log on to ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ regularly.

What are Year 4 learning?


We have been using figurative language to write in a variety of genres, all based around the book: The Last Bear.


We have been learning about Place Value and rounding to the nearest 10 and 100. 


We are learning about living things and their habitats. We have been identifying and classifying animals.


We are learning about 'Beginning with The Church', and the 3 sacraments of Initiation.


We are focusing on The Roman Republic, learning about major battles and important people. 


We have been learning about the Mediterranean and the Rhine River. We have followed its journey from the Source in The Alps, through all the countries it goes through, until flowing out at the Mouth, in The Netherlands. 


We have been using Purple Mash to create variables.

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Topics covered: Living things and their habitats, States of Matter, Animals including Humans, Electricity and Sound.


Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Volcanoes, London through the ages and the Commonwealth.