Year 6
Welcome to Year
We would like to take this opportunity to say hello and extend a warm welcome to the children and parents joining us in Year 6 this year. We have lots of exciting things planned and hope your children will share these experiences with you on a regular basis.
Year 6 is a hugely important year in your school life. Being the eldest year group in the school, the children have a responsibility to be role models to the younger pupils. They will experience new opportunities and challenges throughout the year, both inside and outside of the classroom. These will help them to develop and evolve both as learners and as the young adults they are transforming in to. Year 6 will also prepare children for the next chapter in their lives- secondary school. A caring and experienced team will support you all on your Year 6 journey.
Times Table Rockstars Login
TTRS will ask for a school name or postcode before your child can log in. Please enter our postcode N9 7HJ.
The Year 6 Team
Mr McCarthy
Mr Takyi-Addo
Ms Freitas
What are Year 6 learning?
Evolution and Inheritance: Identifying and understanding key words in Inheritance and Evolution topic.
Investigating inheritance and Variations in a science lesson.
Mystery story- Skellig: Inferring character’s thoughts and feelings.
Beginning with the church:
How words, actions and symbols are used to make people feel welcome.
Understanding key words in RE Topic.
Under Pressure: Feeling pressured activity.
Identifying peer pressure.
Place value of numbers up to 10,000,000. Adding and subtraction integers
Ancient Maya Civilisation. Locating the Maya civilisation cities on a map.
We have been making games in Scratch using variables. Here we are using a variable called 'power' to determine how far a snowball will move.
Our students have produced outstanding examples of Year 6 writing, which have been selected for display on the Wonderwall in the main corridor. In Year 6, the class has been reading Skellig and used the novel as inspiration to write monologues from the main character's perspective. Their writing demonstrates a strong use of precise vocabulary to clearly express the character’s thoughts and emotions.
Aut 1
P.E. Day for Year 6 – Wednesday.
Full kit is required to be worn to school on both days.
P.E. Kit includes – Plain Navy Tracksuit Bottoms, Plain Navy Sweatshirt, Navy Shorts, White Polo Shirt Top, Black Plimsolls or Plain White/Black Trainers (no logos please)
Homework / Home Reading
Each week homework will be given as follows:
English homework is uploaded every Thursday on Google Classroom to be submitted the following Tuesday.
Maths homework is uploaded every Thurday on MyMaths to be submitted the following Tuesday.
One piece of R.E. Homework will be set on Google Classroom every half term. It will be set on a Thursday to be submitted the following Tuesday.
Home reading – Home reading books must be read with an adult and signed each week. They will be sent home on a Thursday and should be returned by Tuesday. In Year 6, lots of children will be reading novels as their home reading book, it is expected that they read several chapters a week, not the entire novel.
The children should also complete 20 minutes of daily reading.
Topic Related Projects are often given over holiday periods.
Times tables are practised regularly in class and it would be beneficial if they practice at home also. These are tested every Friday.
Spellings will be given out on Thursday, they should be learnt for the following Tuesday.