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Year 6 Mental Health Activities

Today in Year 6, we focused on mental health and discussed why it’s so important to take care of our minds and well-being. We also talked about all the exciting and positive activities we get to experience this year, like the PGL trip, school production, awards assemblies, pizza parties, and of course, the much-anticipated school disco with a DJ!

As part of our lesson, we created personal affirmation posters, filled with messages that are unique and meaningful to us. Some of the affirmations we shared included:

  • "I have the strength and faith to overcome any obstacle."
  • "I am kind, thoughtful, and make a positive impact on the world."
  • "I am supported by my teachers, family, and friends every step of the way."
  • "I trust in myself and God to guide me through each new challenge."

We also took the opportunity to celebrate our uniqueness by creating superhero names and designing stickers for ourselves and our friends. For example:

  •  Mystic Shield
  • Solar Flare
  • Earthquake
  • Moonlight Archer Blaze Falcon
  • Storm Whisperer

Once we had our superhero names, we made special stickers and handed them out to our friends during break time—even some of the teachers got one! It was a fun and uplifting way to remind each other just how special we all are.

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