Harvest Festival Donations
Every year, the children at St Edmund's mark the harvest season in a special way. This year we shall be having three separate celebrations, allowing all children to be involved within their respective phases.
A big part of the Harvest Celebration for the children is the donation of items for a good cause. We would love to make this year the biggest yet, after the disruption last year. We would really appreciate if you could send what you can, which might include:
- Non-perishable food items
- Disposable nappies, soap, toothpaste etc...
- Cash donations in a sealed envelope marked 'Harvest Donation'
We shall ensure that all donations will be passed on to vulnerable people within our Parish. Please can all donations be sent to school as soon as possible and by Wednesday 6th October at the latest.
We understand that in the current climate it is not always possible to give. Please do not feel under any pressure to donate.
Thank you in advance for the support you give us in teaching your children the virtues of giving and of Christian charity.