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Student Of The Week

Each week, the teachers will choose a child from their class to be Student of the Week. Children are chosen for excellent work, fantastic effort, good behaviour choices or going over and above our expectations. 

Children will be awarded a certificate during assembly. In KS2 children will spend some time with a member of the Senior Leadership team on Friday to have a chat about their achievement, while enjoying a hot chocolate and biscuit. 

Let's see who has amazed us this week!

Student of the Week w/c 17th June 2024

R1 Tiffany For wonderful progress in her reading
1.1 Jayden For working really hard to focus during carpet sessions
1.2 Robert For listening carefully during PE lessons and doing his best.
2.1 Natan  For working extremely hard at home to get his excellent results in his assessment!
2.2 Ife For an improvement in reading. Keep it up!
3.1 Lloyds For always following instructions sensibly and being a good role model during lessons.
3.2 Jacob For writing an excellent, engaging non-chronological report. Your use of language was phenominal.
4.1 Joanne For a fantastic, focused start to the term.You are an inspiration to us all.
4.2 Cristian For being a well behaved and obedient member of 4.2. Well done!
5.1 Jonathan for displaying great perseverance and determination during our assessments. Keep it up!