At St Edmunds, Science is taught with an emphasis on improving scientific language and skills. We provide lessons and experiences that allow our pupils to develop and build Scienwece process skills as they move through the key stages. As the world around us becomes more science-driven, we expose our pupils to experiences that spark further interest in STEM-based careers. Pupils are given the opportunity to ask and investigate their own questions through weekly science lessons and explore the subject further through cross-curricular learning.
Science Week
For Science Week this year our theme was Growth. Throughout the week, children across the school learnt all about growth in humans, animals and plants. Year 4 compared the growth of human and shark teeth; using their research to write their own information books. Year 2 looked at the growth of animals and plants, Year 5 grew their own plants and Year 6 investigated growth in humans. Some children even looked at how our knowledge and technology of cars has grown!
Many of the children throughout the school took part in a poster competition set out by the British Science Week Association.
Pupil Voice 22 /23
What is Science?
"Learning about the world which we live in and how we can improve it" (Year 6)
"Being inquisitive about different things in our world" (Year 6)
"When we discover more about our surroundings and the people who have impacted our life like Thomas Edison and Edward Jenner" (Year 5)
"Science is when we do experiments to help us learn more about the world and the people who have changed our world" (Year 3)
"When we use the science skills to help us learn about something particular in our world" (Year 5)
What do you like about Science, and how do you feel at the start of a lesson?
"I feel curious of what we are about to learn because sometimes when we do experiments unexpected things happen" (Year 6)
"Excited, especially when I know we are going to be doing experiments" (Year 6)
"Wonder, because I never know what is going to happen." (Year 5)
"I feel excited because I know it will be fun; I especially like learning about the different scientists." (Year 5)
"I feel excited because it is my favourite subjects." (Year 3)
"I have felt happy because I am the Super Scientist in my class." (Year 3)
"I like science, and I know I am good at it." (Year 1/2)
How do the knowledge organisers help you with your learning?
"If we are unsure we can always go back and look at the information." (Year 6)
"I find the vocabulary helpful to use during lessons and also helps we learn new words." (Year 6)
"They can help when we do our Can I Still..." (Year 5)
"They give information from past lessons." (Year 4)
"They help me put my knowledge in order and remember what we did last time." (Year 3)
"All the words are helpful because I know they are the words I should be using in my work." (Year 3)
What has been your favourite thing to do in Science?
"Science Week each year!" (Year 6)
"When we do science experiments because they are fun and help me to remember my lessons." (Year 6)
"Science week because we learn what they other classes have been learning about also." (Year 5)
"All the learning we do about scientists, shows me how / what I must do to become a scientist." (Year 4)
"The chance to become my class Super Scientist." (Year 3)
"When we test things to see if they are true or not." (Year 1 /2)
What is the hardest thing about Science in our school?
"Proving a theory and making predictions." (Year 6)
"Sometimes the vocabulary is hard." (Year 5)
"The cold tasks before a new topic are hard." (Year 5)
"Cold tasks are hard, but I feel happy when I do the hot task because I know I have improved." (Year 4)
"When we do research tasks sometime there can be too much information." (Year 3)
"Sometimes the words are hard and what they mean." (Year 1/2)
How could Science be improved?
"Even more experiments and equipment to do them." (Year 6)
"Have more visitors to help us learn Science." (Year 5)
"Even more resources." (Year 5)
"Even more lessons about scientists." (Year 3)
Next Steps...
- Science leader to investigate ordering new resources to support learning in KS1 and KS2.
- To ensure science skills are correctly planned for and children have opportunities to work scientifically.
- Science leader to investigate further opportunities for cultural capital.