Our aim is to provide a high-quality computing education which equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand their world. Pupils have a weekly computing lesson, learning the three main areas of the computing curriculum: computer science (programming and understanding how digital systems work), information technology (using computer systems to store, retrieve and send information) and digital literacy (evaluating digital content and using technology safely and respectfully). There is an online safety lesson every half term.
In January 2024 we switched to using Purple Mash for many of our computer lessons:
Year 6
Year 5
Year 4
Year 3
Year 2
Year 1
Please see the document below for the curriculum and progression of skills.
Code Club Experiment with Facial Recongtion
Code Club have been experimenting with the facial recognition add-ons in Scratch. This is a program coded to negotiate a maze using a sprite that follows your nose!
Code Club Christmas tree for EU Code Week
Code Club used the BBC micro:bits to code decorations for our ICT Christmas tree. The micro:bits spell out Merry Christmas in different languages. We sent details and photos to EU Code Week and have received a certificate from them for our submission.
Code Club Trip to Tower Bridge
Members of Code Club went on a trip to Tower Bridge. We first went to the Engine Rooms and our guide, Isabel, told us the history of Tower Bridge (we found out it will be 130 years old in June!) and how it works. Then we walked across the high-level glass-bottomed walkways. Some of us didn't like that at all! We even saw a helicopter coming in to land to take part in the Ceremony of the Constable's Dues.
After lunch in a classroom in one of the 'towers', we put together models of one of the bascules to understand how they work, and then we went on Scratch to write the code to raise the bascules. When we left, we were lucky enough to see some of the Royal Marines marching past the Tower of London at the end of the Ceremony.
It was a very exciting trip!
NCCE/Raspberry Pi
We were asked by the National Centre for Computing Education and the Raspberry Pi Foundation if they could come to see some of our computing lessons to get more 'real-life' photography of primary pupils working with technology and computers. Of course, we said yes! Hopefully we will see some of our children on their flyers, posters, magazines, booklets, websites or social media. Thank you to all the parents who agreed to let their children be photographed.
Code Club: Christmas message to the International Space Station